Sunday, October 10, 2004

Ahhh the pure and utter lazyness of sunday mornings :-) A long lazy sigh :-D Went out last night, finally ! Met up with friends from Blönduós who incidentally are also living here in Edinburgh, Ragna and Helgi. And to add to the confusion Helgi used to be the headmaster at the school where I taught ;-) Small world ehi ? It was nice ;-) we went out to dinner and they got to see that Halldór does indeed exist but is not a mere figment of my overly vivid imagination ;-)

unto politcs, I know unusal, but I am sometimes aware of what´s going on around me, is it my misunderstanding or is the American nation being treated as retards??? What´s with there being two major political parties, both representing for the major part white middle and upper class, offering only two presidential candidates both of whom are obviously incompetent nincompoops!!! It´s like the country is being treated as simpletons, "here, you can choose, .. choose between this bad one and this worse one.." And everyone is supposed to be thrilled at having a say in the choosing.. The land of the free where all men are equal...

It would seem to me that post Sept.11. (and perhaps before that) the united states is turning into a police nation akin to coldwar Russia!!

Shouldn´t the rest of us be worried as well? According to this survey Bush doesn´t seem to be all that popular around the world, well apart from USA occupied territories... But is the other option in any way better??

p.s. *grin* wonder if I´ll start getting regular visits from now like when I protested the war in Iraq ;-) Am probably blacklisted somewhere by now :-D

p.p.s. found this quote on Iraqiblogcount:

We have a proverb in Arabic, it says: a wet man doesn't fear the rain; it seems that the American administration believes in that a lot, since the world hates us, why care about more hate? hate hate hate, its the only vibrations coming out of Arabs and Muslims towards America, once it was the land of the dreams, now its the land of injustice, the land of imperialism, the land of murderers, the land of fear and hate;a huge shift, in few years. Bombing the shrine of Imam Ali, and bombing Falluja at the same time? You are unable to imagine the amounts of hate and anger people have towards America now, all because of stupid mistakes by one cowboy, Bosh.

Does he have a point or does he have a point... check out the newest blog as well -, on the term "Preemptive strike"... most illuminating ;-)


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