Sunday, April 17, 2005

My split personalities ;-)

Was trying to get a good face picture of myself for the facial transformer (specimen a to the left) when I noticed just how assymetrical my face is!
So I went and made one face with just the left half of my face and vice versa. Just to see exactly how big a difference there was and wow !! I knew all people are assymmetrical but I hadn´t realised just how much it is...
The left image is somewhat contradictorily (ha ha new word) the right side of my face and the image on the right my left side...

weird how much difference there is ... The right side looks so much sharper, has more slanted eyes and a sharper chin whereas the left side looks dowdy :-/

I had great fun though in the face transformer ;-) Which I found via First I up and gave Halldór a makeover ;-P I have to say that the asian version of him is by far my favorite ;-P

Then I went and did the whole hoopla to my face and well...

I really liked the Mucha (lower centre) and the asian version isn´t too bad ;-) The male version looks strangely familiar somehow (lower left hand side), old me is ugly and the african me is cute ;-P

What do you think?


At 7:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hæ sæta! veistu... mér lýst best á þig eins og þú ert.. og þessar myndir eru ógeðslegar;) hehe afsakaðu en þú ert sæt eins og þú ert og ekki fara í breytingu og láta breyta þér í eitthvað af þessu;) hehe... ég er hérna í partýi.,.. voða skemmtilegu.. svo mikið að ég er á netinu... En mig langar bara að segja þér að þú ert frábær og takk fyrir alla hjálpina... og svo er ég búin að fá inn í skóla í DK... Http:// ;) hlakka ótrúlega til.. skráði mig í rokkdeildina og það veðrur æðislegt þarna úti... :) gott að prófa eitthvað nýtt... ;) Miss u... þú ert frábær! :) Kv... Björg.. frv. nemandi

At 11:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I'm going to have to give that one a try. by the way. nice place you here

At 12:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

þetta er stórfurðulegt. Hvorug hliðin á þér er lík þér! Langsætust original - hversu ósymmetrísk sem þú ert :)

At 12:43 am, Blogger Gunnella said...

:-D Þakka *hneigir sig pent* ;-)


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