Thursday, May 05, 2005

05.05.05. :-D

6 Years already :-D

Elenas Christening It´s been six years, incredibly enough six years since I gave birth to wee Elena Þorbjörg Bjarnadóttir. A little lady who came into this world screaming angrily, bright red and somewhat squished ;-) Her nose was so upturned, she´d probably had her hand on it in the womb hence the look. The look I compared to an intresting mix of Meatloaf and Harrison Ford :-D Eevil mum, right ;-)
FAMILY PORTRAITS AUGUST 2004 #08bSince then she´s grown into an amazing, artistic, smart, self willed and somewhat opinionated lady ;-) So very different from me she´s all for pink dresses and fluffyness and socially she´s incredibly strong. Yet at the same time she´s self assured, strong and totally lacking in any kind of shyness :-D

A story ;-) Shortly after we moved to Reykjavík in 2003, I came to the playschool to pick her up and slightly waryly asked how things were going, especially in regards to the discipline area. The thing is she´s always had a difficulty obeying rules and staying still ;-) so when the playschool teacher cheerily answered that there was absolutely no problem these days I was astonished?? And asked how come....well the answer was; "these days, whilst in story hour, she´s no problem at all. She just sits in the corner with her boyfriend making out...."

Whilst I made my best babbling fish imitation, opening and closing without sound coming out, she smiled sweetly at me... I think it was at that point I decided upon the strong tower.... the one in which to lock her up in until she becomes 20 ;-P

cutie 99 pabbi og elena Mamma og Elena 99 1999 2001 2002 2004 2003 2004 2004


At 8:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Til hamingju med afmaelid litla saeta bleika prinsessa og fyrir mommuna, til hamingju med dotturina. :)
Huld og fjolskylda

At 10:32 pm, Blogger Svava said...

Til hamingju með stúlkuna,knúsaðu hana ærlega frá mér :-)

At 8:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Til hamingju með stóru stelpuna!!
Kær kveðja, Sif

At 9:49 pm, Blogger Gunnella said...

Takk allar :-D Er búin að skila kveðjunni frá ykkur öllum til Elenu :-D Sem varð ekert smá uppnumin af því að fá allar þessar kveðjur að heiman ;-)


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