Monday, May 16, 2005

A day in the life of....

Well, felt like I did loads today,

  • managed to get my abstract off for the conference on the 27th. Am generally going to be revamping my graffiti presentation to suit a broader audience. Wonder whether my joking will go down well in the English department...Who cares ;-)
  • Finally sent a letter to Steini, my wee brother, Who´s starting to think I´m deliberately repaying him all those years he spent at boarding school and never wrote me ;-P He´s now ensconed in Amsterdam and when last heard of had been taken in by a Green Whitch (or was it purple?) and is calling himself Walker, all of which is a good thing... You really have to know the family ;-)
  • Ordered a book on Potter off Amazon. The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter: Perspectives on a Literary Phenomenon, Seeing as one of my end of year papers is to be on magic as presented in Harry Potter, the influences this view has had as well as how magic is presented to teenagers... o.k. yes I need to work on the theoretical aspects of it but the main idea is there ;-P
  • Meant to do a lot of arranging appointments in Iceland, only after half an hour swearing in my mind at my doctor did I realise that back home it´s Whitsun weekend, hence noone thing postponed till tomorrow
  • When doing lists like these I really should add as well, got kids up and dressed, made them lunch, got them off to school, washed two machineloads, picked kids up, had them change into Judo gear, delivered them unto Judo lesson and made dinner..... never mind


At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vitleysingur! AÐ sjálfsögðu er hvítasunna í útlöndum líka! Fólk, eða þjóðir, augljóslega taka hana bara mishátíðlega ;) btw. heitir ekki steini Steindór Walker? Hefur hann aldrei áður notað Walker nefnið?

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Gunnella said...

Neibbs hann heitir Steindór Walter Þorgeirsson Lawrence. Og Hvítasunnan er að sjálfsögðu einungis haldin hátíðleg af Kristnum, og ber einnig nafnið Pentecost ....

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Samkvaemt forn laerlingum, stafirnir t og k, thar a med b, hafa all sama numeragildi, semsagt 2, sv, ef a er 1 og i 9, svo aftur
a naesta rod j er 1 og r 9, tha hafa nofnin Walter og Walker alveg sama gildi; svo ad auki hef eg nu verid ad labba talsvert mikid nuordid... ;)
Vona allt se i soma hja ther,

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Rory said...

Hi Gunnella... that graffiti I mentioned on Saturday is on the back of the Craiglockhart Sports Centre. You can find it by following the sign that says "Woodland Walk", or by walking along the Craiglockhart Nature Trail starting in a carpark nearby. Cheers!


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