Monday, May 23, 2005

Thank you :-)

Thank you so much, those of you who´ve helped me by answering my questionaire it´s going really well :-) I have so far recieved 184 visits and 141 have started the questionaire. A rough estimate of people having actually answered to the best of their ability is around 70 which in my mind is very good :-D

Extra thanks to those of you who´ve forwarded the questionaire as well as those who like Peter of Nakedblog fame posted the link on his blog :-D

I think this might just work after all ;-P

Well back to the books, until later...


At 12:22 am, Blogger Swanieslunch said...

hi i did your questionnaire at work today so basically i got paid to do it. I work with all guys or i would have passed it on. Good luck and good job!

At 4:42 pm, Blogger Gordon said...

Hey that's an excellent response, good luck sifting through THAT lot! ;-)

At 11:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hæ Gunnella.Svanfríður hér. Ég bara get ekki svarað þessum spurningalista því ég get ekki athafnað mig á siðunni sem upp kemur. Ég veit ekki afhverju. En ég sé að margir hafa svarað svo þetta er allt i lagi.En mig langaði mikið að taka þátt í þessu hjá þer. Allt gott ur Illionis. Kv. Svanfriður


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