Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Madness Ensues, or just simply sues..?

Jovial laughter outside in the glorious Edinburgh sun :-( And here I sit sweating over sour sheep balls, rotten shark and the fact that I have to be the worst procrastinator on the face of the earth not to mention the fact that my computer has decided to play an evil game of hide and seek with me these days, hiding documents in farflung folders and flashing me with it´s blue screen of death, mocking the wee remainders of my near forgotten sanity whilst laughing maniacally inside!!

I have just spent all morning arguing (with myself and an imaginary friend) the point that Icelandic foodways are a very obvious representations of cultural cohesion. That the culinary syntax is of greater importance than the origin of the food, hence polish chocolate being as nationalistic as smoked lamb and that Icelanders abroad feel a greater need for expression the nationality and hence are more likely too attend culinary feasts such as Þorrablót than they would were they back "home".....

Why is it that the longer one works on a subject the more boring it becomes, not to mention simplistic, getting one dangerously close to the "bad place" (insert weird voice here) of over usage of jargon and the feeling of actually no point whatsoever having been made.

So much for last winters weightloss ...what´s been lost over a period of 9 months has now been regained over a period of two weeks, coke and choclate binging seem to go hand in hand with stressing and writing ... The funny thing is that the weight loss hadn´t been done by conscious effort, rather it has been brought on (I assume) by more regular meals, actually eating more, and presumably the love life has helped as well ;-P

A hectic week ahead, a boys birthday Pizza Party on Thursday (voluntaires welcomed ;-) then frantic packing before I leave poor Halldór in charge of the madhouse and head to Iceland for the conference......Yesterday I washed 5 machine loads, so most of our clothing is clean and ready and Elena is under Strict orders NOT to play dress up ;-)

I leave you with the very nationalistic Viking Kittens singing Led Zeppelins "Land of Ice and Fire" Just to celebrate the fact that we have hot water again ;-) Don´t ask...


At 3:02 AM, Blogger Lola said...

I'm sorry but that is just plain strange...

At 3:02 AM, Blogger Lola said...

I'm sorry but that is just plain strange...

At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're right about national feast days. All my life, as a Scotsman abroad, first with my family and later for myself we have always had a huge celebration for Burns Night. Big parties where Scots gather together to express our nationalism. This year for the first time I was in Scotland that night and was quite shocked to see it pass by virtually unnoticed.


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