Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tarrahhhhh .....The answer to the riddle ;-)

Originally uploaded by Gunnella.

Well the riddle didn´t go as well as it could have, guess I´ll just have to add this weeks prize unto the next week one ;-) It was a playground bouncy thingie... so I guess technically Neddis answer of thingamagic or a wahtchyamacallit could be construed as correct, but I think I´ll leave it open.. And yes Steve ;-) you´re free to give it two guesses or more if you so wish :-D

Anyways, am off to Rome in the morning for a well deserved escape from the dreary humdrum of everyday life dragging along with me poor Halldór, leaving the kids to tackle with Steini, or vice versa depending on the situation ;-)

Am soo looking forward to getting some practice for my italian, haven´t talked the language properly for years... And the food ... :-P The restaurants, and seeing as it will be Halldórs first time there I´ll have an excuse to visit all the sights, show him Moses, Pieta and all the intricasies of St. Peters church...

Promice riveting accounts, ok scratch that, promise tons of photos :-D as soon as we return but until then, ci vediamo...kiss kiss

E quando ritorno parlero soltanto Italiano, va bene?


At 9:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

frabaert.goda skemmtun.

At 8:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hæhæ ;) Áhvað að kasta inn kveðju sá að þú varst búin að segja á blogginu mínu :D En Siggi er voða ánægður að vera kominn í skóla og gengur allt rosa rosa vel ;) Gangi ykkur vel ;) Bæbæ ..


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