Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A fantastic hours trainride :-D

Just had this really great experience :-D I was asked what it was that I study and for the first time in my life the response wasn´t "what´s that" but avid interest and an exclamation of joy :-D

Was on the Glasgow train home when a family sits down around me and commence speaking Italian, then one of the ladies asks whether they should ask "the girl" (instant winover ;-) for information, to which I (being the language show off that I am) reply "sure" in my fluent Italian :-D
So it turns out he´s a lawyer that saw the light and is now teaching ethnomusicology and studying Italian folklore so the hours ride into Embra was spent discussing the various superstitions of our respective countries, whitchcraft, magic, Martin Mystere (of which he´s sending me a copy), elves, pixies (the beings), Björk and the state of folklore studies around the world :-D Sorry can´t help but be beaming :-D

So for me I got to be called "a girl" with the appropriate noooo when they found out about the kids, I got to talk about my favorite interests to people with tons of knowledge as well as interest in the field and all that in Italian :-D

Just one more *beaming happy happy smile* and now I´m done ;-D


At 4:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It´s better than the response I ususally get when I tell people I´ve been studying archaeology. "So.. like with a teaspoon?"

At 4:57 AM, Blogger Gunnella said...

he he, I did that to you didn´t I ;-) It´s the reason I decided against it... Funny I was just thinking of you and how I seriously need to write to you !!!!

At 4:35 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

That's neat. I mean, really...of all types of people you meet and all the random interests you have, this person connects with you like that.

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you also tell them that you're a "bad girl" ? ;-)

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Gunnella said...

Ramblingmuse; Yes, it was quite remarkable, and since then my friend Svava has pointed out how far fetched this was, what were the odds ;-D !

Kristófer; no dear, that I keep for you ;-P

At 6:51 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Well in case anyone reads this and then spots you on the train, I can confirm that you are very interesting to talk to! (it comes from the passion you have for what you do).

Has to be quite a long shot that someone with those interests would sit down next to you.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Jenevieve said...

Thanks for leaving comments on my site! Did you find me through Anastasia? I would really love to email you with about 1,000 questions about Edinburgh. Would that be alright with you?

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Gunnella said...

Jenevieve; Yes I rambled upon your site through Anastasia, and sure, by all means fire away, I´ll answer to the best of my capabilities! :-D

Gordon; :-D Thank you *blushes*

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Svava said...

Hehe yes, talk about 1-in-a million chance of this happening ! But then again, you do seem to attract people in some weird, out-of-this world kind of way my dear. Wouldn't be surprised to find you one day chatting with the Pope, whom you happened to meet when he accidentally entered the ladies room at a bar in Cancun.

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky you to find such nice people on the train! One of the most boring experiences of travel are train rides! When you´re all done in Japan discovering Japanese elves and whatnot, look out for the arabic Jinn, you won´t be sorry ;) google the word, see what you get.


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