Friday, January 06, 2006

Your Chance !!

In view of the fact that I´m now starting my third year with this here blog I thought I´d give You the chance to speak.. and mayhaps at the same time gain an overview of who browses by here ;-)
So .... If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad, from real time or virtual ;-) but funny would definitely be more fun :-D
Then when you're finished, why not post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) by what people remember about you!
P.s. Sava... Behave! (remember I still have photographic evidence ;-)

A wee version Steini and I in 1997 Ragnar og mamma 1996 Elena and I at the farm in 1999 Gaining an MA in Folkloristics Playing with a big ball 2002 With the kids in Japan 2005 Trying to look th part of a busy academic ;-)


At 7:14 AM, Blogger Ágústa said...

Minningin frá því á ættarmótinu í Dölunum "hérna um árið" stendur hæst, þegar við frænkurnar(og frændsystkinin) drukkum alla undir borðið, skelltum okkur yfir lækinn á ættarmót hjá einhverri annarri ætt þegar allt fútt var farið úr okkar liði, skreiddumst svo inn í tjöldin okkar þegar allir aðrir voru að fara á fætur :) úff, ég er eiginlega hissa á að ég skuli yfir höfuð muna eitthvað af þessu... hahaha Annars er orðið alltof langt síðan við hittumst, verðum að fara að gera eitthvað í því ;)

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Lola said...

A memory of us? That's a tough one. However, I do know that it's been fun reading your blog and keeping things interesting by leaving comments.

Just so you know, I came up with very little on photography schools in the UK. I have some study ideas here, like naturopathic nutritional counselling, fitness theory and Spanish. I still toy with the idea of getting off my ass and doing a degree in fine arts but as I told a friend the other day, I have become accustomed with my present lifestyle. If I went to school full-time, I'd have no money.

Anyway, G, have a great year. And thanks for the opportunity to comment...

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Svava said...

Mín minning er þegar við sátum um miðja nótt við tölvuna á Vitastíg og vorum að skrifa mannfræðiritgerð....að sjálfsögðu orðnar alltof seinar með hana. Við klipptum út pappírskalla sem táknuðu kennarana okkar, fórum með galdraþulur og kveiktum í þeim. Við klipptum einnig í ýmsa líkamsparta á þeim...ýmsa óprenthæfa parta. Yndisleg minning :-)

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Jóna Finndís said...

Skemmtileg bátsferð og svo vöffluveisla (eða voru það pönnukökur) heima hjá þér á Blönduósi. Teri, Mary og Katherine fannst líka svo hrikalega gaman :-)

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Ok. How about you me and the FLASH OF DOOM that nearly blinded me Christmas night? Have you learned how to turn that thing off?

For those who don't know, Gunnella's new digital camera has a flash that goes off for about ten seconds before it takes a picture. Pratically blinding the subject of the photo. This was used to great effect at a Christmas party we were at.

It was a great party though!

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

I don't remember how I first stumbled across your blog, but I've always liked your attitude and sense of humor. Good luck in the new year!

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Natalie said...

I also don't remember how I stumbled accross your blog, but I know that I truly enjoy all the pictures of your travels, your children and getting updates about your studies. So fun to make friends literally around the world. People can connect regardless of geography, culture or language and become friends, the internet is funny like that. Be sure that if I ever make it to Scotland (or Japan while you are there) that we'll drink many coffee (or beer) and chuckle about how cool things can happen if you just take a leap of faith!

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eg man eftir fyndnum tima thegar thu dast i thad i fyrsta skiptid. Thu varst 14 ara minnir mig og med spangir,gleraugu og mjog stutt har. Thu drakkst of mikid og lentir i kossaflensi med Hjolla brodur Agustu. Mig minnir ad thu hafir verid ad veltast nidur einhvern hol rett hja hlemmi med honum...ha ha ha :)

At 12:42 AM, Blogger Neil said...

I remember spending around 36 hours drinking with you in Glasgow and constantly getting your name wrong. (The Stella didn't improve things) Then I watched you eat (and tried to steal food when you weren't looking) after which we jumped on the Orient Express... I think?

At 5:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm... I remember us walking through kneedeep snow and cold early on a saturday morning in january, heading for our folklore exam with Tok. Meanwhile our frinds, bleeding bastards as they are, were sleeping in after a night of drinking in a cottege.
What a great way of dragging us lurkers out of lurkdom and make us up your comments, btw;)

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm.. Þessi minning mín um þig er ekki beint góð ! Ég ætla samt að segja hana.. Ég man eftir því þegar við vorum í 6 eða 7 bekk or som og Binni kom með tyggjó í skólann. Svo rétt fyrir tímann sem þú varst að kenna okkur í þá setti hann tyggjóklessuna í stólinn þinn og þú settist á hana..

En svo eru auðvitað margar góðar minningar líka. Þú varst eina á Blönduósi sem ég gat talað við um Buffy ! Vá.. Hvað ég hélt upp á þessar seríur. Anyway ! þá er ég að safna þessum seríum núna þó ekki sé hægt að fá þær hérna á Íslandi held ég O_o


At 1:26 AM, Blogger Steve Piercy said...

I remember meeting you on about hour 27 of the 36 hour stint that I think Neil was talking about. I was quite impressed with how lucid and vertical you were considering you were all doing some serious drinking!

I remember talking about how nice your accent in on the train home with you too, and you seemed quite disappointed that you had a distinguishable accent at all!

Other than that, i've enjoyed reading your blog for quite a while, and always like your take on life!

At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fyrsta minning mín af þér er sem parið í fatahenginu í MH. þ.e. þú og Jón Kjartan! Svo seinna meir komuð þið á borðið við hliðina á okkur og tókuð fullan þátt í því sem sumir þar iðkuðu... sleikborðið var sko ekki nafngift út í loftið!! Við sem ekki áttum sleikfélaga reyndum að leiða þetta hjá okkur, en það var erfitt! Síðan hafa lihiðið mörg ár...

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ætli sé ekki bara best að reyna að muna eftir öllum barferðunum þó svo að þær séu kannski sumar hverjar í smá móðu.


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