Thursday, February 02, 2006

This and that...

Funny how some days one just blurts out endless trivia and can´t wait to blog everything whereas other days nothing really seems to be of the monumental scale to beg attention online... Hence this post is likely to be of the boring “I did that there” variety so bear with me ;-)

As news goes I´ve gotten a job back home (Iceland) next summer, so those of you grieving the lack of photos from Iceland should have your wish fulfilled seeing as I´ll be all alone with little else to occupy me but photography.. I´ve also received what seems to be the final notification that I am indeed going to Japan next autumn, I´m funny that way, it is as if I don´t dare take it for granted that I´ve made it but always need to leave some room for doubt, just enough for me not to aggravate the eternals…
Now all I have to do is get the visas through, apparently it does not come naturally that when you award someone a research grant to study in a far away country that their offspring automatically receive permission to dwell in that same country as their parent, the unmarried partner I can understand but the kids..? Never mind..

Museum tripFelt very proud of myself on Monday, accompanied Elenas class on a class trip to the Scottish museum due to it being the Chinese New year. An extremely good way of reminding myself that I do not wish to teach first or second grade! ;-) Six year olds are lovely, only just not in groups of 30! They thoroughly enjoyed themselves first drawing in the Chinese collection and then transferring the drawings unto great big canvasses and getting busy with the paints…
Museum trip . Museum trip . Museum trip . Museum trip
Those of you with an astute eye might notice how Elenas face seems to be a tad askew… Well the other morning I got woken up by a lovely kiss from the …”elephant girl” after a slight shock and painful prodding off I rushed with her to the emergency dentist here, whom I by the way love! Ten minutes after our arrival she was sitting in the examination chair, twenty minutes later we had an appointment for tooth withdrawal a week later and a bottle of penicillin, none of which I have to pay for!!! Compared to the medical system in Iceland, which we´re constantly being told is one of the best in the world!, The system here is awesome!!!!!!!
Anyways, seems a filling she had done before Christmas didn´t take so the root rotted away leaving this great big infection, so out it goes tomorrow.

Töff með nýja klippinguRagnar finally managed to wheedle out a crew haircut with side stripes of sorts... "the" thing here among young gentemen, interesting how one comes to accept the local norm whereever one is after a while.... When I first came here I thought this look hideous now it is acceptable... Just as well I´m leaving soon otherwise I´m guessing he´ll be wanting white sneakers, hooded tops, a hole in his ear, oh wait he already wants those gaaaaaaaa...!

Oh and I´m also off to Denmark tomorrow, found these tickets for 99p back and forth so without much hesitation decided to go visit my former co teachers from Blönduós who incidentally both live now in Denmark ;-) Should return with some interesting photos, albeit a bit shaken due to the cold I´m told to expect there..

So until next week ;-)


At 8:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krakkarnir eru ordin svo stor og myndaleg. Thau eru baedi lik ther og serstaklega Ragnar. :)
Kvedja og gangi ther vel.

At 6:45 pm, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

Bummer about the tooth. Hope the procedure goes well.

Your son's pick...he looks like a young Rick Astley. Yeah, that singer from the 80's. Ha ha.


At 4:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jæja, svo þú ert komin með táninga, voða er ég fegin að þurfa ekki að regsa í mínu liði, nú geta þau ákveðið sjálf hvernig þau verða sér til "skammar" með útlitið. Kveðja, Gurrý

At 6:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Svo þú kemur heim í sumar.
Það er FRÁBÆRT mig vantar Japönskukennara. Ég skal borga þér í bjór og ég skal líka leyfa þér að tala við mig innan um almenninginn :)

At 3:10 am, Blogger Siggadis said...

Góða skemmtun í Danmörku :-)

At 3:44 pm, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

Are you back yet?

How was the trip?


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