Saturday, August 04, 2007

Having matsuri soda and takoyaki (at least I think thats the name) pancakey octopus balls

Having matsuri soda and takoyaki (at least I think thats the name) pancaky octopus balls
Originally uploaded by Gunnella73.

After a minor initial setback by not knowing how to open the glass ball seal, go figure, the day was saved by a passing group of burly wannabe workers i.e. wannabe burly not workers...who gigglingly guided us

Yet another insight brought to you via the mobile technology ;-)


At 12:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That glass ball confused the hell out of me the first time I tried it! Granted, like everyone else who bought it, I'd only really bought the drink because of the glass ball so I couldn't complain about it:)


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